What’s coming up in Spring 2?
Each term, our students take part in a wide range of engaging activities, curriculum topics, and personal
Tuesday saw the start of the cold snap across the UK. We attempted to open but when the snow wasn’t showing any signs of stopping, we had no choice but to close to ensure the Students and Staff who did manage to get in can get home safely. It is always a last resort but safety is always our first priority.
I share this with you because something magical happened whilst we were waiting for transport. The students and staff all played together making snowmen and taking the opportunity to pelt the Business Manager with snowballs.
Seeing students of all ages having fun in the snow was a really lovely sight. Our Assistant Head, Steve, had the most fun. If you have ever met Steve, you will know he is very softly spoken. When he needed a head building for the snowman, he had this authoritative voice that we think he only reserves for snowmen related crisis!
We were glad the snow didn’t linger for too long but making good memories along the way makes it feel less stressful!
© Outcomes First Group 2025